More about the program
Chrysalis Climbers
5th-9th Grade Girls
Pacific Pipe Climbing Gym, Oakland
Session One (Fall Break): Nov. 25 - 27*
Session Two (President's Day): Feb. 17
Session Three (Spring Break): Mar. 31 - Apr. 4*
Session Four (Memorial Day): May 26th ​​
*For multi-day sessions, students may register for any number of days that week.
Program time: 1:00-4:00pm
Chrysalis Climbers is open to new and experienced rock-climbers, alike. Students climb with our instructors at Touchstone's Pacific Pipe - the largest climbing gym in the United States! We'll learn climbing techniques, meet new friends, take healthy risks in a supportive environment, practice self-reflection, and build positive sense-of-self and body awareness.​​​​ Students need to eat lunch, beforehand; snacks will be provided.
Course Tuition: $75/day​​
Donations & Scholarships
Chrysalis Girls Adventures strives to make our courses accessible. Individual donations help to subsidize course tuition. If cost is a barrier to participation, additional scholarships may be available. Contact us for more information.